
Russia: Russische Actiengesellschaft L. M. Ericsson & Co.

Works and Office: 70 Gr. Sampsoniewsky Prosp. S:t Petersburg.
Telegraphic Address: Telefon, Petersburg.

England: The Brittish L. M. Ericsson Manufacturing Co. Ld.

Works: Beeston, Notts.
Office: Byron House, 82/85, Fleet Street, London E. C.
Telegraphic Address: Ericsson, London.

France: Société des Téléphones Ericsson

4, Rue Le Peletier, Paris.
Telegraphic Address: Télémikro, Paris.

U. S. A.: Ericsson Mfg. Co.

Works and Office: Military Road 121, Buffalo, N. Y.
Telegraphic Address: Mikrofon, Buffalo.

Mexico: Empresa de Teléfonos Ericsson S. A.

Office: 2a Calle de Victoria 53 y 55, Mexico D. F.
Telegraphic Address: Mikrofon, Mexiko.



Code words for numbers
Old catalouge numbers & corresponding in this catalouge
Telephones: Section A: Type AB 100, AB 105, AB 120, AB 122, AB 130, AB 135, AB 140, AB 145, AB 160, AB 165, AB 210, AB 220, AB 230, AB 250, AB 500, AB 510, AB 520, AB 530, AB 650, AB 670, AB 1200, AB 1300, AB 2100, AB 2300, AB 2500, AB 2530, AB 5000, AB 5100, AB 6000, AB 6100, AB 6200, AB 6300, AB 6500.
AC 100, AC 110, AC 120, AC 130, AC 140, AC 200, AC 210, AC 300, AC 400, AC 500, AC 1000.
AD 100, AD 120, AD 125, AD 200, AD 250.
AE 200, AE 250.
AF 100, AF 200-231, AF 300, AF 340, AF 500.
Section B: BC 1100, BC 1200, BC 1300, BC 1301, BC 1400, BC 2000, BC 2050.
BD 100, BD 200.
Section C: CD 110, CD 120, CD 140, CD 170, CD 180, CD 540, CD 570, CD 1110, CD 1140, CD 2000.
CG 100, CG 300, CG 400, CG 1100, CG 1110.
CK 550, CK 650, CK 660, CK 670.
CL 500, CL 510, CL 600, CL 610.
CM 100
About this material.



Code words for numbers

1 Ybad 16 Ydol 31 Yhal 46 Ylos 110 Ypas 375 Ysud
2 Ybef 17 Ydum 32 Yhem 47 Ylut 120 Ypet 400 Ysyf
3 Ybig 18 Ydyn 33 Yhin 48 Ylyv 130 Ypiv 425 Ytax
4 Yboll 19 Yfah 34 Yhop 49 Ymap 140 Ypox 450 Yteb
5 Ybuk 20 Yfek 35 Yhur 50 Ymer 150 Ypub 475 Ytic
6 Ybyl 21 Yfil 36 Yhys 55 Ymis 160 Ypyc 500 Ytod
7 Ycaf 22 Yfom 37 Ykam 60 Ymot 170 Yrat 550 Ytuf
8 Yceg 23 Yfun 38 Yken 65 Ymuv 180 Yrev 600 Ytyg
9 Ycih 24 Yfyk 39 Ykip 70 Ymyx 190 Yrix 650 Yvab
10 Ycok 25 Ygak 40 Ykor 75 Ynar 200 Yrob 700 Yvec
11 Ycul 26 Ygel 41 Ykus 80 Ynes 225 Yruc 750 Yvid
12 Ycym 27 Ygim 42 Ykyt 85 Ynit 250 Yryd 800 Yvof
13 Ydag 28 Ygon 43 Ylan 90 Ynov 275 Ysav 850 Yvug
14 Ydeh 29 Ygup 44 Ylep 95 Ynux 300 Ysex 900 Yvyh
15 Ydik 30 Ygyr 45 Ylir 100 Ynyb 325 Ysib 950 Yxae
       350 Ysoc 1000 Yxed

The words with four letters in the above table should be used together with the code words with six letters in this catalogue, for inst. Ydikabadyn = 15 instruments AB 140.


Table of old catalogue numbers and corresponding numbers in this catalogue

NO. 301 AB 210 NO. 320 AB 500 NO. 361 AB 250 NO. 395 AC 1000 NO. 441 AB 6000
        305 AB 100        321 AB 505         365 AB 2500         400 BC 2000         442 AB 6100
        306 AB 105        325 AD 100         366 CD 140         402 BC 2050         443 AB 6500
        310 AB 140         330 AD 200         370 AC 100         405 BC 1300         445 AB 5000
        311 AB 145         335 AD 250         375 AC 110         406 BC 1301         450 AF 210
        315 AB 220         340 AB 130         380 AC 210         408 BC 1400         455 AF 220
        316 AB 120         345 AB 530         381 AC 300         410 BC 1100         460 AF 300
        317 AB 122         346 AB 590         383 AC 310         415 BC 1200         465 AF 340
        318 AB 160         350 AB 650         385 AC 200         435 AF 100         855 AB 5100
        319 AB 165         355 AB 230         388 CG 1100         440 AF 200  


Type CD 110

Common battery wall telephone

Framework polished walnut.
Transmitter RC 121, on adjustable arm RC 510.
Receiver RD 201, with cord RS 4010 (Old Cat. No. 2094), suspended on switch-hook.
Condenser with a capacity of 2 microfarads.
Ringer 1000 ohms resistance.
The line terminals are enclosed in the instrument, and a clip for papers is provided.
Height of Backboard: 520 mm.
Width of Backboard: 175 mm.
Weight: 3,5 kg.
Codeword: Caubef.


Type CD 120

Common battery wall telephone

Framework polished walnut.
Transmitter RC 141, on adjustable arm RC 602.
Receiver RD 201, with cord RS 4010 (Old Cat. No. 2094), suspended on switch-hook.
Condenser with a capacity of 2 microfarads.
Ringer 1000 ohms resistance.
The line terminals are enclosed in the telephone, and a clip for papers is provided.
The protector is mounted on the lower part of the backboard.
Height of Backboard: 480 mm.
Width of Backboard: 170 mm.
Weight: 4,2 kg.
Codeword: Caubig.


Type CD 140

Common battery wall telephone

(Old Cat. No. 366)

Framework polished walnut.
Micro-telephone RE 4051, with cord RS 6500 (Old Cat. No. 2061) suspended on switch-hook.
Condenser with a capacity of 2 microfarads.
Ringer 1000 ohms resistance.
The line terminals are enclosed in the telephone, and a clip for papers is provided.
Height of Backboard: 500 mm.
Width of Backboard: 170 mm.
Weight: 4,2 kg.
Codeword: Caubok.


Type CD 170

Common battery wall telephone

Framework polished walnut.
Micro-telephone RF, 1051, with cord RS 6500 (Old Cat. No. 2061) resting on a cradle switch.
Condenser with a capacity of 2 microfarads.
Ringer 1000 ohms resistance.
The line terminals are enclosed in the telephone, and a clip for papers is provided.
Height of Backboard: 520 mm.
Width of Backboard: 175 mm.
Weight: 4,1 kg.
Codeword: Caubym.


Type CD 180

Common battery wall telephone

Framework polished walnut.
Micro-telephone RE 1051 with cord RS 6500 (Old Cat. No. 2061) resting on a cradle switch.
Condenser with a capacity of 2 microfarads.
Ringer 1000 ohms resistance.
This telephone has a protector mounted on the lower part of the backboard, and the line terminals are enclosed. It is also fitted with a clip for papers.
Height of Backboard: 480 mm.
Width of Backboard: 170 mm.
Weight: 4,1 kg.
Codeword: Caudol.


Type CD 540

Common battery wall telephone

Framework entirely of steel, black enamelled.
Micro-telephone RE 4001 with cord RS 6000, suspended on switch-hook.
Condenser with a capacity of 2 microfarads.
Ringer 1000 ohms resistance.
A protector and the line terminals are enclosed in this telephone.
Height of Backboard: 510 mm.
Width of Backboard: 190 mm.
Weight: 4,6 kg.
Codeword: Caugal.


Type CD 570

Common battery wall telephone

Framework entirely of steel, black enamelled.
Micro-telephone RE 1001 with cord RS 6000, resting on a cradle switch.
Condenser with a capacity of 2 microfarads.
Ringer 1000 ohms resistance.
A protector and the line terminals are enclosed in this telephone.
Height of Backboard: 510 mm.
Width of Backboard: 190 mm.
Weight: 4,6 kg.
Codeword: Caugop.


Type CD 1110

Common battery wall telephone

Framework entirely of steel, black enamelled.
Inset transmitter RC 181 on adjustable arm RC 600.
Receiver RD 202 with cord RS 4000 (Old Cat. No. 2032), suspended on a switch-hook.
Condenser with a capacity of 2 microfarads.
Ringer 1000 ohms resistance.
A protector and the line terminals are enclosed in this telephone.
Height of Backboard: 220 mm.
Width of Backboard: 155 mm.
Weight: 3,1 kg.
Codeword: Caukus.


Type CD 1140

Common battery wall telephone

Framework entirely of steel, black enamelled.
Micro-telephone RE 4001, suspended on switch-hook, with cord RS 6000.
Condenser with a capacity of 2 microfarads.
Ringer 1000 ohms resistance.
A protector and the line terminals are enclosed in this telephone.
Height of Backboard: 220 mm.
Width of Backboard: 155 mm.
Weight: 3,0 kg.
Codeword: Caulap.


Type CD 2000

Common battery wall telephone

Framework cast iron enamelled.
Micro-telephone RE 4011 (without mouthpiece), suspended on switch-hook, ebonite handle, and waterproof cord RS 6001.
Condenser with a capacity of 2 microfarads.
Ringer 1000 ohms resistance.
This instrument is very suitable for use in damp places. A protector is mounted inside the case, and the line terminals are enclosed.
Height of Backboard: 240 mm.
Width of Backboard: 180 mm.
Weight: 5,7 kg.
Codeword: Caulir.


Type CG 100

Common battery table telephone

Micro-telephone RE 1005, with cord RS 6010 resting on a cradle switch, flexible cable RS 5200 (No. 2292) with 3-way plug, and terminal block of wood, in which a protector and the line terminals are enclosed.
Condenser with a capacity of 2 microfarads.
Ringer 1000 ohms resistance.
The base and top plate are made of ebonised pear-tree wood and the sides of black enamelled steel.
If required, and without extra cost, we supply this telephone enamelled to imitate Walnut.
Weight: 3,0 kg.
Codeword: Caupas.


Type CG 300

Common battery table telephone

Micro-telephone RE 1005, resting on a cradle switch, with cord RS 6010, flexible cable RS 5200 (No. 2292) with 3-way plug and a terminal block of wood, in which a protector and the line terminals are enclosed.
Condenser with a capacity of 2 microfarads.
Ringer 1000 ohms resistance.
The base and sides are made of black enamelled steel, and the top plate of ebonised pear-tree wood.
If required and without extra cost, we can supply this telephone enamelled to imitate walnut.
Weight: 3,3 kg.
Codeword: Caupiv.


Type CG 400

Common battery table telephone

Micro-telephone RE 1005, resting on a cradle switch, with cord RS 6010, flexible cable RS 5200 (Old Cat. No. 2292) with 3-way plug, and a terminal block of steel, in which the line terminals are enclosed.
Condenser with a capacity of 2 microfarads.
Ringer 1000 ohms resistance.
The framework is entirely made of black, enamelled steel.
Weight: 2,9 kg.
Codeword: Caurat.


Type CG 1100-1110

Common battery table telephones

Type CG 1100

(Old Cat. No. 388)

Micro-telephone RE 1011 with cord RS 6030 (Old Cat. 2241) and flexible cable RS 9630 (No. 2224) resting on a nickelplated metal support with cradle switch.
Bell case of polished walnut, containing a ringer of 1000 ohms resistance, condenser of 2 microfarads capacity and protector.
Total weight: 3,8 kg.
Codeword: Cauvid.

Type CG 1110

Micro-telephone RE 1011 with cord RS 6030 (Old Cat. No. 2241) and flexible cable RS 9630 (No. 2224) resting on a nickelplated metal support with cradle switch.
Bell case of black enamelled steel, containing a ringer of 1000 ohms resistance, condenser of 2 microfarads capacity and protector.
Enclosed terminals.
Total weight: 3,4 kg.
Codeword: Cauvof.


Type CK 550

Intermediate wall telephone for 2 metallic circuits
Common Battery Systems

Framework polished walnut.
Micro-telephone RE 1051 with cord RS 6500 (Old Cat. No. 2061) resting on a cradle switch.
Generator RH 2400, 2-magnet.
2 ringers each of 1000 ohms resistance are fitted.
Indicator for the purpose of showing when a sub-station telephone is speaking with the Exchange. (A condenser of 1/4 microfarad capacity is connected in parallel with this indicator).
Line condenser, with a capacity of 2 microfarads.
3-way switch.
This telephone is provided with enclosed line terminals, and a clip for papers.
The intermediate station is in communication with the Exchange or with the sub-station, depending upon the switch being in a left or a right hand position.
If the switch is in it's central position, the Exchange and the sub-station telephone can communicate with each other.
Signals from the Exchange or sub-station telephone are heard at the intermediate telephone independently of the position of the switch. If the intermediate telephone is speaking on either line, the conversation cannot be overheard by the other line.
Height of Backboard: 575 mm.
Width of Backboard: 175 mm.
Weight: 6,0 kg.
Codeword: Cavkao.


Type CK 650

Sub-station wall telephone for use with an intermediate telephone station
Common Battery Systems

Framework polished walnut.
Transmitter RC 141, on adjustable arm RC 602.
Receiver RD 201, with cord RS 4010 (Old Cat. No. 2094), suspended on switch-hook.
Generator RH 2100, 2-magnet.
Ringer of 1000 ohms resistance.
Line condenser 2 microfarads capacity.
This telephone has a protector mounted on the lower part of the backboard, and the line terminals are enclosed. It is also fitted with a clip for papers.
If the substation is speaking with the intermediate station or with the Exchange, their conversation cannot be overheard.
Height of Backboard: 480 mm.
Width of Backboard: 170 mm.
Weight: 5,4 kg.
Codeword: Cavlaq.


Type CK 660

Sub-station wall-telephone for use with an intermediate telephone station
Common Battery systems

Framework polished walnut.
Micro-telephone RE 1051, with cord RS 6500 (Old Cat. No. 2061) resting on a cradle switch.
Generator RH 2400, 2-magnet.
Ringer of 1000 ohms resistance.
Line condenser of 2 microfarads capacity.
The line terminals are enclosed, and a clip for papers is provided.
If the substation is speaking with the intermediate station or with the Exchange, their conversation cannot be overheard.
Height of Backboard: 520 mm.
Width of Backboard: 175 mm.
Weight: 5,3 kg.

Codeword: Cavlis.


Type CK 670

Sub-Station wall-telephone for use with an intermediate telephone station
Common Battery Systems

Framework polished walnut.
Micro-telephone RE 1051, with cord RS 6500 (Old Cat. No. 2061) resting on a cradle switch.
Generator RH 2100, 2-magnet.
Ringer of 1000 ohms resistance.
Line condenser of 2 microfarads capacity.
This telephone has a protector mounted on the lower part of the backboard, and the line terminals are enclosed. It is also fitted with a clip for papers.
If the substation is speaking with the intermediate station or with the Exchange, their conversation cannot be overheard.
Height of Backboard: 480 mm.
Width of Backboard: 170 mm.
Weight: 4,7 kg.
Codeword: Cavluv.


Type CL 500

Intermediate table telephone for 2 metallic circuits
Common Battery Systems

Micro-telephone RE 1005, with cord RS 6010, resting on a cradle switch, with flexible cable RS 9805 (Old Cat. No. 2428).
Generator RH 2455, 2-magnet.
Ringer 1000 ohms resistance.
Indicator for the purpose of showing when a sub-station telephone is speaking with the Exchange. (A condenser of 1/4 microfarad capacity is connected in parallel with the indicator).
Line condenser 2 microfarads capacity.
3-way switch.
Wall fitting
type RA 112 with 1000 ohm ringer.
The frameworks of the telephone instrument and of the wall fitting are of enamelled steel. The terminals are enclosed.
The intermediate telephone is in connection with the Exchange, or the sub-station respectively depending upon the switch being either to the left or to the right hand. If the switch is in it's central position, the Exchange and the sub-station telephone are in connection.
Signals from the Exchange or from the sub-station telephone are heard at the intermediate telephone independently of the position of the switch. If the intermediate telephone is speaking with one of the lines connected, the conversation cannot be overheard.
Weight: 6,1 kg.
Codeword: Cavmar.


Type CL 510

Intermediate table telephone for 2 metallic circuits
Common Battery Systems

Micro-telephone RE 1005 with cord RS 6010, resting on a cradle switch and flexible cable RS 9801.
Generator RH 2460, 2-magnet.
Ringer with 1000 ohms resistance.
Indicator, which announces if the substation instrument is in speaking connection with the central exchange (a condenser of 1/4 mfd. capacity is connected in parallel to the indicator).
Line condenser of 2 mfd. capacity.
3-way switch.
Wall fitting
Type RA 116, polished walnut base with 1000 ohm ringer.
Base and sides of the telephone are of black enamelled steel. Top plate of ebonised pear-tree wood. If required and without extra cost, this telephone can be supplied enamelled to imitate walnut. The terminals are enclosed.
The intermediate telephone is in connection with the Exchange, or the substation respectively, depending upon the switch being either to the left or to the right hand. If the switch is in its central position, the exchange and the substation telephone are in connection.
Signals from the exchange or from the substation telephone are heard at the intermediate telephone independently of the position of the switch.
If the intermediate telephone is speaking with one of the lines connected, the conversation cannot be overheard.
Weight: 5,6 kg.
Codeword: Cavmit.


Type CL 600

Sub-station table telephone for use with an intermediate telephone station
Common Battery Systems

Micro-telephone RE 1005, with cord RS 6010, resting on a cradle switch. Flexible cable RS 5200 (Old Cat.No. 2292) with 3-way plug, and terminal block.
Generator RH 2455, 2-magnet.
Ringer of 1000 ohms resistance.
Line condenser of 2 microfarads capacity.
The framework of the table telephone is of black enamelled steel. The terminals are enclosed.
If the substation is speaking with the intermediate station or with the Exchange, their conversation cannot be overheard.
Weight: 4,9 kg.
Codeword: Cavnas.


Type CL 610

Sub-station table telephone for use with an intermediate telephone station
Common Battery Systems

Micro-telephone RE 1005 with cord RS 6010, resting on a cradle switch and flexible cable RS 5200 (Old cat. No. 2292) with 3-way plug and terminal block.
Generator RH 2460, 2-magnet.
Ringer with 1000 ohms resistance.
Line condenser of 2 mfd capacity.
Base and sides black enamelled steel. Top plate ebonised pear-tree wood.
The terminals are enclosed.
If required and without extra cost, we can supply this type with the case enamelled to imitate walnut.
If the substation is speaking with the intermediate station or with the Exchange, their conversation cannot be overheard.
Weight: 4,8 kg.
Codeword: Cavniv.


Type CM 100

Extension switch for 2 metallic circuits
Common Battery Systems

On a backboard of polished walnut a 3-way switch, a 1000 ohm ringer, line condenser of 2 microfarads capacity and an indicator are mounted. This indicator is fitted for the purpose of showing when the sub-station is speaking with the Exchange. (A condenser of 1/4 microfarad, capacity is connected in parallel with the indicator).
This switch should be used when it is desired to connect two telephones to the same line. (These telephones must be of the sub-station types CK 650, CK 660, CK 670, CL 600 or CL 610). The switch should be placed close by one of these telephones. Either of the two telephones can be connected to the Exchange or can be connected together. The conversation in either case could not be overheard. Signals from the Exchange, or from the substation (the telephone without extension switch) will ring either the bell on the switch or that on the telephone, depending upon the position of the switch.
Height of Backboard: 340 mm.
Width of Backboard: 150 mm.
Weight: 2,1 kg.
Codeword: Cavrax.


About this material

This is section C of the product catalogue 'Section A-C, 6th Edition Catalogue Telephone Instruments from Aktiebolaget L. M. Ericsson & Co, Stockholm '. The catalogue was printed 1911 by Wald. Zachrissons boktryckeri A.-B., Göteborg.

The scanning and word processing has been done by Tommy Sundgren (STSF).

Some pictures have Moiré interference that is hard to avoid due to the paper printing technique used. The text has been captured with Caere OmniPage OCR program.

Many thanks to the Telemuseum in Stockholm that kindly lent us the catalouge.